TamarFM 95.3

Annual General Meeting

Updated 1st September 2024

Tamar FM invites members to attend the Annual General Meeting at the station, 29-67 Macquarie Street, George Town 7253, on Wednesday 18th September 2024 at 10:00 a.m. There are some minor changes to the Constitution to be discussed. The purpose of these changes is to bring the Constitution up-to-date with modern practices and the realities of running a Community radio station with a very small number of volunteers.

Proposed Constitution changes 2024 can be seen here

In Summary, the key changes are:

    1. Membership:
  • change the definition of "Ordinary member" from being a member of the Board who does not hold an executive position, to being any financial member of the station.
  • remove the requirements for a new member to be nominated by an existing member and be approved by the Management Committee (a.k.a. "The Board"). The requirements for a member to be nominated to stand for the Management Committee and for a station volunteer member to be approved by the the Management Committee, remains.
    2. Update the means of accepting payments and contacting members:
  • accept electronic means such as email and SMS contacts, and electronic funds transfers. Currently the Constitution refers to cheques for payments and to sending and receiving notices by post.
    3. The Management Committee
  • Reduce the number of members and the number of executive positions required for the Management Committee. The current requirement cannot be met with limited volunteer numbers and the changes will enable greater flexibility in how the Management Committe is organised.